What we’re all about at CAMP 510
CAMP 510 is a local artist-run day-camp. We believe in cultivating a community of makers who have the creative agency and confidence to help shape a better world. CAMPers explore the innovative and magic in studio art, tinkering, public art, building, book binding, screen printing, clowning, crafts, music, and more. Unique projects are carefully chosen for each week of CAMP and are scaled to be developmentally appropriate for each age group of CAMPers. Equipped with the right tools in a participatory community environment, these projects are led by professional artists and makers in the spirit of D-I-T (do it together).
Camp510 is presented by Thingamajigs
Studio Trio Art Camp — STart CAMP — offers three projects each week and is designed to engage CAMPers entering grades K-5. In this program, CAMPers rotate in small groups to each of the three projects every day, all five days of the CAMP week. This is a structured environment that offers developmentally appropriate challenges and levels of materials usage for young makers and artists, and is well-suited to the creative needs of these ages. With a 1:5 staff to CAMPer ratio, your child will have plenty of support to complete projects. Each project of the day is hyphenated with a recess time (see our Typical Day schedule below).
STart projects have up to 60 spaces available and are for CAMPers entering grades K-5. We divide the CAMPers into 3-4 cohorts, with as many as 18 CAMPers per cohort. These cohorts rotate through the various art projects plus Body Movement & Games.
XP CAMPs are week-long, intensive and process-oriented projects for older CAMPers (Xtra Process). In XP CAMP, older children focus on two projects all day, all week. This format meets their needs to learn more and do more and allows these artists and makers to delve into the material full steam ahead. XP projects encourage this age group to be ambitious, take risks, explore their tools & skills, work together and independently, and to dive deep.
XP projects have up to 30 spaces available, 15 kids per pod, and are for CAMPers entering grades 5-8. Some projects, due to their nature, vary in spaces available or ages they are offered to. Each XP project page will specify its details. Spaces are limited and fill up quickly. We do offer waitlists.
Is your child interested in something enough to have the stick-with-it-ness needed to focus on it all day, all week long?? And do they want to deepen their maker curiosity and skills? Are they able to accept and set personal challenges? Are they willing to fail and try again? Can they work independently and collaboratively in a community of peers? If yes to all of this, then XP is likely a good fit!